“There are ice-cream shows on the second floor!” Oh wait, there are no elevators to go to the second floor along with the baby stroller. If you have experienced this situation, then I got good news for you. My science/engineering project from sixth grade is a prototype that addresses this problem. This prototype is based on Continuous Track. I am a history buff, especially in the world war II areas. Watching the armored tank in the war movies gave me the continuous track light bulb moment. It is quite an amazing concept. It led me to think of ways I can apply it in our day to day living.
In many countries including the US, when you visit museums, national monuments, shopping mall, or theme parks you will find there is a place to park strollers. One of the main reasons is that it is very difficult to navigate stairs, uneven paths, and many wet areas with a stroller. Elevators and slope are few and far in-between. In many countries, public places, shopping malls, schools, hospitals, museums are not friendly to families with strollers. Many of them have a hard time moving their strollers up and down the stairs. Sometimes they need to lift the stroller to reach their destination. This way of lifting the stroller is not safe. A stroller with a continuous track provides a safe, smooth-riding experience on uneven terrain or up and down the stairs.