“It is so hot today, let’s go to the beach!” but I cannot take a standard wheelchair to the beach, The wheels will just sink in the sand. And if I have to take the standard wheelchair, I will be totally dependent on another person to navigate the wheelchair. If you have experienced this situation, then I got good news for you. My science/engineering project from seventh grade is a prototype that addresses this problem. This prototype is based on Continuous Track. I am a history buff, especially in the world war II areas. Watching armored tank in the war movies gave me the continuous track light bulb moment. It is quite an amazing concept. It led me to think of ways I can apply it in our day to day living.
Today there are no self-navigable wheelchair that can be used in a beach where the ground is soft and sandy. If a person on a wheelchair wants to go to a beach, he/she cannot do this without the help of another person. Beach wheelchairs available today uses very large inflatable rubber wheels that can only be moved by a third person pushing from behind. It requires significant effort and is very cumbersome. This model aims to create a wheelchair that addresses all these issues. It extends on the concept of a continuous track. A continuous track with a wider surface area will help navigate the wheelchair on the beach quite easily.