Nationality. Race. Heritage. Skin tone. Height. Eye color. Gender. These are physical characteristics that differentiate people from each other. Over time, history has shown that accepting people who they are brings out the best from people and inspire great innovations. The rate of devolopement in our society sped up after consitutional changes that enforced equality between sex, race, gender, etc. Similarly, inclusion of people who are differently abled is also very important. Race is not a choice. Accessibility challenges are also not a choice people chose upon. People who are accessibility challenged bring in a new perspective that otherwise can be easily missed.
While creating or inventing it is very important to get the perspective from all corners. Statistics show how workplace consisting of single gender or single race affect how the minorities work and how they share their experiences with the company. With a more inclusive workplace, people are more expressive and information is shared openly.
Other than race and gender, there are many other things that make people unique. For example, many girls get bullied and are not accepted when they are younger because of their natural facial outbreak. During puberty, every kid grows differently where the body grows at different rates . Kids with different abnormalities are also not always accepted by the other kids in class. Especially during the middle school and the beginning of high school, kids become very conscious of their looks and behavior. It can be very stressful and intimidating. More than 64% of kids are concerned about their appearances. 68% of the teenagers are conscious about their appearance only when they are in school. If schools were more inclusive and accepting, kids will feel a lot better and be more positive towards going to school. There will be less anxiety amongst kids and far less social problems amongst teens.
Finally, public areas are very important to be inclusive. In today’s world there is a lot of discussions about restrooms being for all genders and for the LGBTQ+. With so much of the focus in that direction, many times it is easy to forget the accessibility into these public restrooms. People with accessibility challenges cannot stay in public events for as long or cannot enjoy just as much.
Ultimately, with a more inclusive community we can create a much more productive and fulfilling society.