When taking long road trips or traveling overseas, many of us feel jet lagged because of the time difference. Jet lag occurs because our sleeping schedule gets disturbed by our regular pattern. Now imagine this happening all the time. But this time, the sleep schedule gets disturbed through the blockage in the opening that allows one to breathe. This is called Sleep Apnea. Sleep Apnea is a real-life problem and can be life-threatening. A CPAP ( Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) is a device that helps Sleep Apnea patients breathe normally through the night and secure their sleeping patterns. However, CPAPs are big and bulky, not very portable, and very expensive. For the 2019 County Science and Engineering Fair, I created a portable and economical CPAP. The project aims to create a cost-effective, portable, simple CPAP machine that will help people who are suffering from OSA ( Obstructive Sleep Apnea) but are unable to afford a CPAP, especially in the developing world. The model uses everyday components like the solar-powered battery, low-wattage air pump, and simple and hygienic mechanisms to deliver the pressured air to keep the upper airway open while breathing during sleep. The model is safe, affordable, and portable. It is a simple and effective design that addresses OSA and can work very well for developing nations where affordability is a major concern.