Reykjavík, Iceland 🇮🇸
Wheelchair Accessibility: ♿️ ♿️ ♿️ Reykjavik, on the coast of Iceland, is the country’s capital...
Read MorePosted by TTD Contributor | Jan 27, 2023 | ♿️ Europe's Reachable Places, ♿️ Reachable Places by you
Wheelchair Accessibility: ♿️ ♿️ ♿️ Reykjavik, on the coast of Iceland, is the country’s capital...
Read MorePosted by Annanya Bhattacharya Ghosh | Jan 27, 2023 | Europe, Western Europe
Portugal sits on the Iberian Peninsula. Although a small European nation, the country is a tourist...
Read MoreSpot the difference… there is none!
The Shortest House on the Block talks about the life of twins where one of the twins uses a wheelchair. Their house is the shortest house on the block, as houses with stairs are not accessible to those in a wheelchair. The story hopes to convey how the life of someone who uses a wheelchair is no different or no less.
The story also hopes to convey a message to understand and be aware of your surroundings and learn new concepts that are not commonly taught.
Hey! I’m Twesha, I started this blog as an effort to spread positivity about accessibility and to spread hope for those who have physical challenges. While those efforts still remain the same, my goals have been changing over the years, and our efforts grew into spreading awareness about accessibility throughout the world. The goal is to lead a collaborative effort to share accessibility information from around the world. This blog is my effort to share information on accessibility and other efforts on inclusiveness. That is a tidbit about me and my efforts with this blog, to know more click here