As the valentine’s day approaches it reminds me of Brasserie Des Tanneursthe, a French restaurant in the fairytale town of Colmar, France.The restaurant is beautifully decorated in the valentine theme with hearts all over.In Colmar, during medieval times, hearts on the doors meant that a woman inside is either getting married or available.
Colmar is one of the most beautiful medieval town in the Route du Vin (wine road) in the Alsace region of France.This picture perfect charming town is surrounded by rolling vineyards and mountains.The streets are very beautiful with an abundance of colorful hanging flowerpots, half-timbered houses, little canals and beautiful French doors. The antique shops and the decorative cozy roadside cafes definitely adds to the beauty of this medieval town.
You can just stroll through the little town along the canals and enjoy the pleasant ambience of little Venice and have a romantic dinner in one of the cozy restaurants

If time permits do visit the other little towns along Route du Vin. A road trip will enable you to enjoy the little wineries along the way.
As you drive into the city don’t forget to check out the replica of Statue of Liberty.

Accessibility ♿️
- There are two accessible parking and restrooms behind the St Martins church on Rue the Eglis. If you have a disabled placard you can safely use that.

- You can park there and stroll the little town along the canal using a wheelchair or mobility scooter. Crutches will be hard as the streets are uneven and cobbled
- The main square and most of the restaurants are at the street level. Some of the restaurant might have a small step which is quite manageable.
- Don’t forget to take pictures along the canal with the hanging flowerpots and bridges in the back ground as those bridges are completely accessible.
- There is a huge parking garage under place Rapp.