Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada is a popular destination for chasing Aurora Borealis. I have been fortunate to have the Aurora experience in two different countries. Tromso, Norway, and Yellowknife, Canada.
In both places, the probability of viewing northern lights is high and both places have their unique charm. For Tromso Norway and its wheelchair accessibility visit https://www.tweshastraveldiary.com/2019/05/30/tromso-paris-of-the-north/
Visiting Yellowknife at -42 degrees was a new experience. Aurora Village is the place where visitors go to experience the magic and wonder of the North. This is one of the best places to experience Aurora Borealis because of its beautiful setting, and the warm glow of the tepees under the dancing Aurora. One of the exciting features of Aurora Village is the warm, cozy, and very picturesque tepees ⛺️. These tepees are beautiful little tents to keep you warm. As the temp dips to -50 degrees, it’s very difficult to stay outside for a longer period. Inside the tepees, there are warm beverages and a fireplace. A wonderful place to relax and chat with other people visiting from different parts of the world and share their experiences while waiting for magnificent Aurora to show up. These tepees are completely ♿️ wheelchair accessible. And last, but not least it gives you a perfect background for a memorable picture. There are many daytime activities too which you can enjoy at Aurora village, Dog Sledding, Ice Fishing, Hiking, and Snowshoeing.

You can book the place at https://auroravillage.com beforehand for all activities. It’s better to book for three days in a row for maximum probability of viewing the Northern Lights during the winter months. Around New Moon time is the best time to plan the trip.
Wheelchair Accessibility ♿️ ♿️
- The wheelchair accessibility of this place is exceptional with ramps and slopes everywhere. During winter months snow and extremely cold conditions might make it a little hard but with some help and proper gear it can be done
- The airport does not have a jetway but the planes have ramps
- All the hotels are wheelchair accessible
- Aurora Village dining hall is also wheelchair accessible.
- The tepees are a little far from the dining hall but the path taking you to the tepees is accessible
- The Dog sledding activity can be done too with some help
- At Aurora Village, they have wheelchair-accessible restrooms.
- The bus which takes you to the Aurora village is not wheelchair accessible. Arranging a taxi instead will be a better idea as the entry to the bus is very narrow.
- We stayed at the Explorer Hotel which is completely wheelchair accessible.